Just a little over a month ago I closed on my condo. Since it's new construction, there were still some things that needed to be done. On the day of my closing they were finishing putting up the couple remaining shelves in the kitchen cabinets, putting up towel bars and toilet paper holders, taking care of some of the nicks and scratches on the baseboard. After going back and forth with the floor guy who was supposed to fix some of the nail holes and scratches the workers made on the floor but ended up making it worse, they refinished the whole hardwood floor (kitchen, dining room, living room and hallway). Though I didn't really have time to go there the day after it was done (I was having 11 family members descend on me at the old place), I went to check it out, and to my surprise it looked good. So now furniture has been ordered, more things are making their way there, and I'm planning on spending the night there on Monday (the day the furniture arrives). When I'm there, it feels like home, only with much less "stuff" around. I've moved over some dishes (and realized I need more of that style -- I only have setting for four), moved over 734 books so far, moved pillows and blankets and sheets, oh my! But it will really be home once I get Comcast to move the cable and internet service. That will come only after I watch the 91 hours or so of DVR'd shows I have to watch. But with a new season marching along, and the days getting shorter, I will make it my home. It's new, it's functional, it doesn't let me keep the things I don't really need. And this may be the best part of it all. All that excess baggage will be moving along, making way for a new me, a new start, a new home.