Here the terms of this award:
1. Publish a post on your blog - referring who awarded you.
2. Share 5 things you like to do
3. Share or pass this award to 10 friends.
The five things I like to do.....
1. Read
2. Travel
3. Spend time with family
4. Make plans and study up for a furry addition to the family
5. Read my friends blogs!
The 10 friends I'm awarding this to are......
Brutus the Frenchie and
Arlo the Pug and
Coco at the PUGnetwork and
Benny and Lily at Doggy Days and
Salinger at Multum In Parvo...with a Cinnabon Tail and
Stubby at Life of Stubby and
Tweedles at Through the Eye's of Tweedles and
Puglet of the Daily Puglet and
Fulmer the Pug and
Oisin the Pug and
Mister Bean of A Little Pug in a Big World and
Harry Pugalicious and
The whole Pug Posse and
Yoda and Brutus and
Well, hey, I've never been really good at following the rules! So if you come by and read this post, take the award and leave a reply so I can come visit you! And our circle of friends continues!! :)