Hi there, Rainy's mom here. I want to tap the vast knowledge of all the pug pawrents out there for some advice. I know this is only day two at home (well, really it's just been 24 hours now) and I know that coming into a new situation there will be housebreaking issues. All that said, I don't know what the best way to housebreak Rainy. She's a year and a half and has had housebreaking issues before. Yesterday she pooped twice inside, both times by the gate I have set up when I was out of the room. This morning she peed in the same spot, on a towel that was there, again, she started when I was out of the room. Then after a half hour plus walk -- where she sniffed everything, butt sniffed a couple other dogs (quick Rainy note here, Pierce the Boston was real cute, but he was bigger than me and I was a little scared of him; but his butt sure smelled good!) but didn't poop or pee, I crated her so I could take a shower and she pooped in her crate, just one piece, but with part of it pushed out through the wire (yes, I switched to a wire crate so she could see me better; bad idea?). Apparently she didn't get the memo that dogs don't dirty in their crate (and yes, there's no extra room to have a separate potty section of the crate). I've taken her out on the balcony several times and stood with her, but she only peed out there once and that was yesterday. Any suggestions or ideas on how I can get a handle on this to know I'm at least starting to do the right thing? I know puggies can be stubborn, and she certainly is, but I know they can be housebroken.....at least most of the way? I want to be a good puggie mom to her, but need some assistance from the voice of experience! Thanks in advance! Woof bark, I want to be good for mom, really I do! Thankie for advice to help my mom!
(Just a note, Rainy was good last night in the plastic crate. She whined some but then quieted down and only got restless when I got up to go to the bathroom at 5:15. I took her out to the balcony, but she didn't do anything and she then went back into the crate for another couple hours with just a little whimper and then she was fine until I was getting up.)
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
14 hours ago