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Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Pink For Payton

May is the month for flowers.  It's the second half of the saying April showers bring May flowers.  It is when you can safely put flowers outside (after Mother's Day, I'm told, so you know you're past the last frost). I don't have a yard; I don't have any ground to plant in; but I do have a balcony, that gets sun for the whole afternoon.  And yesterday I decided it was finally time to get some flowers.  I got some petunias - back where I used to live I would plant petunias in the border in front - they were easy, looked very pretty (even though the white ones would be eaten by the local rabbits) and were relatively easy to care for. I looked and looked before I found just the right ones. And there they were - white petunias that would make difficult rabbit food on my third floor balcony; purple petunias because my favorite color is purple; and pink petunias for Payton.  In a week of Midwest pug events, I thought it was a good time to remember Payton.  I'll see the flowers every day and I'll think of Payton, and her family.  

In the rising of the sun
And in it's going down,
In the blowing of the wind
And in the chill of winter, 
In the opening of buds
And in the rebirth of spring,
We will remember you. 
In the blueness of the sky
And in the warmth of summer,
In the rustling of leaves
And in the beauty of autumn,
In the beginning of the year
And when it ends,
We will remember you. 
When we are weary
And in need of strength,
When we are lost and sick at heart,
When we have joys we yearn to share,
We will remember you. 
For long as we live, you too shall live,
For you are a part of us,
And we will always remember. 

And in the pink flowers we remember Payton, a brave and loyal little pug, and her loving family.  Payton will always be there, always be a part of us because she touched our hearts. And we will always remember. 


Punchbugpug said...

How pretty and a wonderful tribute! We haven't planted any flowers yet by us....too cold at night!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Beautiful flowers. We didn't know Payton, but that is a lovely tribute.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

So pretty! Mom loves Petunias and had them all over the place when they lived in Michigan. Here in Florida the Petunia season is very short. They only grow here in the winter because it gets too hot for them in the summer. :o(

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Dear DW
This is a beautiful tribute to Payton. Your Petunias are so gorgeous-each of the colors, and yes, the pink ones for Payton.
I read and re- read the sweet poem, and it touched our heart- just as Paytons love and courage touched our lives. She will be a part of us forever.

Two French Bulldogs said...

What a special tribute!!
Benny & Lily

Winston Wilbur said...

Beautiful! Mum and I are teary eyed. Payton will love the flowers.

Petunias are my favourite... yeah ok it may have something to do with a certain pug of the same name!


Meredith LeBlanc said...

So beautiful, just like Miss Payton!

Meredith & Scarlet

Shelia said...

Oh dw!The petunias are so pretty and the poem is very touching!

Mister Bean's MaMaFigure

Oskar said...

Very nice, Payton will be smiling.

Nubbin wiggles,

The Daily Pip said...

What a lovely tribute and beautiful flowers!

Your pal, Pip

The Daily Pip said...

Just stopping by to say your comment totally cracked us up today!

Your pal, Pip

Hank said...

DW, honey....I dunno how in the heck I missed this one. That's a real good post I tell ya what.

An' that poem is sure true. Did you right that yerself, honey?

Have a great day, honey. I gotta take a nap - Mondays'll do that to ya!