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Saturday, February 26, 2011

Remembering Emmitt

Another dear friend has crossed the Rainbow Bridge. Emmitt was always such a happy pug and his mom, Melissa was just the same - always upbeat, always bringing a smile to everyone's face. For right now, the world is just a little bit lonelier than it was before now that Emmitt isn't here, but he'll always be in our hearts. And perhaps we can celebrate his life with some mini meatloafs, and for all you pups out there, maybe you can put on the sweater you may have that Emmitt's mom made, and remember a wonderful friend. Run free, Emmitt!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day

It was a year ago today that I surrendered Rainy, and I still miss her very much. I know in my heart I did the right thing and I know she's very happy with her family -- yeah, including the 'brothers' she likes to chew on, just a little nibble, I'm sure! I know that it wasn't Rainy, that it was me, that I wasn't ready. But I've learned so much from that short time with her that I know I will have a pup, not just now, but soon. After the snowpocalypse, which is mostly gone thanks to a couple days of warmer weather, after a major project that I hope will be done by the end of the month, after two major family trips in July and September, I'm hoping to start looking once again for a forever pup for me. I think my life will have settled down somewhat at that point, and I know I'll take what I've learned from Rainy and what I read from all the other dog blogs and be able to make the commitment to be a good dog mom. So Valentine's Day brings back memories of a day that started with a walk around the block and ended with so many tears, but in this year I have made a new start. So Valentine's Day is like a new beginning, a time to prepare and begin anew, watch that 20+inches of snow melt into puddles, watch the sun staying up in the sky longer and smiling down on us just a little bit stronger. Happy Valentine's Day, my friends, enjoy the possibilities!