I just watched our local ABC news which had a story about a young area man who set a New Year's resolution that may be a bit different - actually, as the story said 366 resolutions. He's doing a random act of kindness each day this year, and with leap year, that means 366 random acts of kindness. Today he was on a corner downtown giving out free hugs. Some of his other random acts this year include participating in an MLK day service activity, sending condolences to parents of a fallen soldier, writing a thank you to a former teacher, mentoring a child, giving compliments to 25 people. Just doing something good for a person, some little, seemingly inconsequential thing, can make a big difference. On his day of complimenting people, he got strange looks and some people who didn't appreciate what he was trying to do. But a woman on the bus saw him and said she was going to give compliments to people, too. When you start something like this, you never know who may be touched by these random acts, even if that person wasn't the intended target of that act. So it got me thinking. What little things can we do? What are some possibles for this young man during the rest of this year's random acts of kindness? Yes, his story touched me. I'm not sure what I'll do, but I know I want to do something. What about you? Can you do just one random act of kindness this year? You never know where it will lead!