One of the most important things we can experience in life is to be loved and Payton was indeed loved. Though I never had the pleasure to meet her, I knew of her struggle with PDE and the dedication of her mom and dad, and Gammy and Gampy to make her life the best that it could possibly be. Things just were finally too much for her and it became time for Payton to go to the bridge. Her little body had fought for so long but just didn't have it in her to fight another battle. But when she left us, she had lived her life to the fullest and had taught us many lessons along the way. And though like her namesake she left us much too soon, she was surrounded by love. May the love she gave back sustain her family until once again they are all united and the circle of love is once again complete. Run free Payton!
Silent Super Sunday Selfies
6 hours ago