I was out and about all day yesterday with a friend at the Chicago Christkindlmarkets, and then spent today taking my friend to the airport after watching numerous weather reports and then getting myself ready to fly out tomorrow. So I finally had a chance to start surfing around to read all the blogs. I checked out my somewhat local friendly neighborhood greyhounds at Tales and Tails ( if you don't know them, go give them a visit http://houndstooth4.blogspot.com/ ). I found they gave me an award! I am grateful and humbled.
I'm supposed to give this to 15 blogs, and there are so very many blogger friends I've found over the past several months, so I'm passing this award to:
The Daily Puglet http://dailypuglet.blogspot.com/
Through the eyes of Tweedles http://tweedles-georgie.blogspot.com/
Brutus the Frenchie http://brutusthefrenchie.blogspot.com/
Little Miss Pearl http://littlemisspearl.blogspot.com/
Salinger http://salingerthepug.blogspot.com/
Stubby http://lifeofstubby.blogspot.com/
Hank and Molly http://hank-itellyawhat.blogspot.com/
Shelby http://winniewong.typepad.com/shelby/
Pyrite http://pyritethepug.blogspot.com/
Stella, Gunther and Betty http://livingwithapug.blogspot.com/
Yoda and Brutus http://thepugsstrikeback.blogspot.com/
Sophie and Dixie http://pugandbugg.blogspot.com/
Arlo http://pugznhugz.blogspot.com/
Mister Bean http://misterbeanalittlepuginabigworld.blogspot.com/
Jemima Jones http://jemimajones.blogspot.com/
Watchin' & Workin' Wednesday
1 hour ago
Congrats on your award, You totally deserve it! And thanks for thinking of us!! You are so sweet! Merry Christmas!
You passed it along better than we did! A lot of the blogs we read already had it. The cool thing is that we have a lot more to follow now as we see others nominated!
Hi dw! Thanks so much for the award. I will proudly post it on my bloggie.
Happy and safe travels to you this holiday season. I hope Santa Paws brings you lots of presents.
Stubby xoxo
Congratulations on your award!
Hope you have a great Holiday
-Dana & Penny
Merry Merry Christmas!
Congratulations on your award!
Have a wonderful day!
Melissa and Emmitt
hi its me Tweedles and I wanted to say Congratualtions on yout award, and thank you sooo much for sharing it with me!
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