For the Gratitude Project, I'm posting three things I'm truly grateful for, no matter how silly or small every day for 30 days.
Day Four: 1. Dark chocolate; 2. being able to walk to the lake; 3. my family.
FrEYEday SkEYEday
8 hours ago
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Hello dw-
We have our little note book out and we have all agreed again on whats to put for day four!!!
1) animal cracker snacks
2) peanut butters
3) our window seat
love, Josie, IZZY(hee hee), Anakin
Mmmmmm! My list would have white chocolate on it!
Here I am for Day 4
1. I am thankful for a warm bed to sleep in at nite.
2. I am thankful for the flowers that are blooming in my yard.
3. I am thankful that mommy has a job.
tweedles loves dark chocolate!
Pugs & Kisses,
Yoda & Brutus
Hi dw! Is it day 4 already? OMD!
1. I'm thankful the workers finished working on the house today.
2. I'm thankful that Puglet's video is getting lots of exposure.
3. I'm thankful Mom is going to be home all day tomorrow!
Stubby xoxo
hi dw!
what a wonderful project!
we are grateful for..
1. our friends
2. beautiful sunrises
3. and salmon bites(that one is at the top of emmitt's list) :)
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